Speechelo Review

Disclaimer: This is the real Speechelo review 2020 from a real customer who has Speechelo premium access from the product creator. After using Speechelo, we are happy to share live demo and your real user’s experience:

Product: Speechelo

Creator: Vlad and Stoica (also the creator of Video marketing Blaster, Live Event Blaster, Video Spin Blaster, Lingo Blaster and Thumbnail Blaster)

Price: $37 with coupon code founders37. Notes: the price at $27 seems no longer active.

Do I Recommend: Certainly Yes.

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Let me ask you a question, do you publish video on the internet. When you view and watch a video online at Youtube, Vimeo or some embedded video, do you hear the voice. To me, i do, in fact, a video without voiceover is too boring and doesn’t attract me to continue watching. As a result, i exit that video because it’s boring.

So, if you make video on the internet no matter what it is, you are recommended to add voice & speech into that video file. But please, don’t use robotic text to speech, which can be found so easy at voicemaker.in, you should use a humanistic and natural one.

What is Speechelo?

Before you want to proceed further details about this Speechelo review, you should take time to understand the definition what is Speechelo at first.

Speechelo Review
Speechelo Review

Who is Speechelo For?

  • Any marketer at any experience
  • Those who don’t want to use any kind of robotic soundings
  • You don’t like using Amazon Polly, Google Wavenet API for Voice Generator
  • Especially if you are running a Podcasting Business
  • Agency/Local Business and Video Creator/Product Creator
  • Those who are doing Podcast Jacking
  • And many more,…

If you are any in the list above, then, congratulation, because Speechelo is definitely for you. In case you are not listed above, then, you should take time reading this Speechelo review so details.

Main Features and Demo of Speechelo

Now, we are jumping into the most important parts of this Speechelo review. This is the member’s area once you login.


For the question “How much voice can i made per month?”, the answer is unlimited. But unlimited text per voice is only available through Upsell.

In fact, when comparing with Other application (like Audioflow, this one has a huge benefit because AudioFlow Pro version has max 3,000 words while this one is unlimited if you buy Upsell 1 (the quarterly version)

Besides, please note, there’s no API required for Amazon Polly and Google Cloud API because all the voice here are from Blastersuite’s premium developer mode.

1.Language and Characters


English in fact is not the only language you have, there are other 30 languages that can be used immediately. And surprisingly, some languages besides English is French has multiple Voice Characters.


As you can see, it works with numerous languages and numerous characters, this can vary voiceover for your online business. In fact, many people are working as a freelance very well thanks to the help of Speechelo.


2.Voice Generator


This is of course the most important features for the application Speechelo. Everything you need to do is to insert text and once finished, hit Generate Voice Over and see your voice within seconds.

Here’s the example test in reality.

But to make your mp3 voice more natural and humanistic, it’s recommended to adjust some little bit.


The adjustment here includes things like Insert Breath [human will do that, right 🙂 ], Adjust Pitch and add your Emphasized Word. Here’s how it looks like in reality.

3.AI Voice


This is the best feature that make Speechelo becomes different from the rest. And the voice generated from A.I feature will be more humanistic than usual voice.

4.Audio Merging

If you don’t intend to buy Upsell, then, you can make multiple audio files, then merge them together.


Shorter audio files will literally affect to a more natual voiceover.


All you have to do is to Select File, then, Order it by Drag & Drop, hit Merge Files after that.


5.Turn Video into Caption


Content reusing and Content Repurposing is now 100% possible with the app Speechelo (only accessible for OTO 2)


By default, the application will detect Language of a video.

Remember, you will not just about to import caption into video, you can even translate that caption into other languages, this will help us target multiple language.


After that, you can see the caption is now ready for Speech.


And that’s all you need to know before you buy the application. In fact, it’s worth every single penny you are paying.

Speechelo Review-The External Languages

In this review, it seems like i have added many audio files in English version. Now, i will give you some test of voice made in others.


The audio below is at English before i translate into external.


This is a test in French Version.

Now, i have translated into German.


For Italian, here’s how it looks like.


The version for Spanish looks like this.


Speechelo vs Amazon Polly

Recently, i have seen some people say Speechelo is just actually a usage of Amazon Polly. Now, let’s make the test.

Here’s the test text:

Hello my friend, this is Daily Job Killer here. This voice file is made as a way to test differences between Speechelo and Amazon Polly .

Here’s the one for Amazon Polly.

And the voice from Speechelo.

Now, let’s see they are difference or not 🙂

P/S: i choose Kid Character to make this test, and you can see, they are totally different.

In fact, most of the worthless customers don’t know anything and they blame on the product creator. If it’s actually like Amazon Polly, i can easily detect it 🙂

My Speechelo Review Video (Please Watch)

In order to provide you a correct understanding about the product, i have recorded a Speechelo review and walk through demo video about it. So before you buy, turn on your volume and watch these Speechelo review videos first.

(Note: coupon already applied for the checkout link above)

Speechelo Review-The Price and Funnel

All product have upsells and so does this one. But buying or not, the choice is ultimately yours.

Speechelo Coupon

The upsell 1 is Pro Version, with Pro, there is no limitation about Voice Length but the price please note is not a one time price, it’s a quarterly payment.

(Note: coupon already applied for the checkout link above)


Currently, i have link to buy Speechelo Pro for $77/one time price, no rebill.


UPDATE: The price for Speechelo Pro is no longer available at $77, instead, price goes up into $127 because of the reason that features have been increase (like from 30 additionals voices into 70 additional voices)

The upsell 2 is Speechelo Tube Addon.


And that’s the only two upgrades of Speechelo. So, this funnel is not expensive.

Bonus From Me

In order to help your life much easier after reading this Speechelo review, i will add some extra bonuses if you buy it through my link. This product is sold on Clickbank so after you buy, you need to manually request bonus through my email at contact@dailyjobkiller.com with your purchase receipt.

To quality for bonuses, at checkout, you must make sure you have seen the affiliate id tran8mui. Otherwise, you won’t get access.


**** Please read ****

Clickbank is different from Jvzoo & W+, this means after you click on others’s links and then click on my link, the credit still goes to others. In this case, you need to buy in difference browsers or maybe on mobile phone if you click on Desktop before.

If you buy Speechelo Pro through my link, your account with Videract and Funnel Builder will be upgraded to higher version.

Speechelo Review-The Pros

  • Easy to use and manage
  • Support Multiple Languages
  • No Google Cloud API, No Amazon Polly API Required
  • Real Human & Natural Voice

Speechelo Review-The Cons

  • Just 30 Voice From Now

Final Verdict

In summary, after reading this Speechelo review post, i hope that you have understand the features and the value of using the product. And in our opinion, Speechelo is my big recommendation as the value it is bringing to you and the software developer Blastersuite thanks to their previous great reputation.


Do I get free updates?

YES! You get 100% free auto updates. Whenever a new update is out, since everything is stored in the cloud, you will instantly be upgraded. You don’t need to worry about checking manually for updates,everything is done 100% automatically, hassle free.

Does Speechelo work in multiple languages?

Yes, it works in ENGLISH and 23 other languages: Arabic, Mandarin, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh

What happens if I miss out on This Deal?

Presently, you can buy Speechelo as a low price thanks to the coupon code founders, if not, real price is $100. And when special discount expires, the coupon code is not usable means you have to pay full amount of $100.

Is There any Upgrades?

Yes, there are currently two upgrades. The first one is the Pro version at $47/quarter, which will increase the amount of voices from 30 to 60 and you can generate unlimited text per voice (while FE still has limitation about text per voice)

The second one is Tube Addon at $37, this allows you to translate the text into another languages and to import Youtube video caption directly into the Speechelo application.

There’s a Lot TTS Voice Generator Online, What’s Make this One Different?

Most video creator and audio generator advertises you that they have Text to Speech features. However, these speechs are from Amazon Polly and Google Cloud Platform, which you can still access for free. What makes Speechelo different is that there’s no robotic soundings, no Google API, no Amazon API required and you can still add things like Breath, Word Emphasize and Adjust Volume, Pitch Rate.

How Many Audio File can I Make for the Front End Offer?

At the $37 offer, you can create and as many downloadable Mp3 audio file as you want. And you have the full right to merge multiple files into. Don’t misunderstand the main offer and the upsell 1 Pro, with the Upsell 1, you can make unlimited words per audiou, with the FE at $37, you can make 700 words per audio.

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